
GARD has the following dependencies:

  1. A Fortran compiler. GARD has been used with the following compilers:
  2. gfortran (version 4.9.2)
  3. ifort (version 15.0.2)

GARD has also been compiled using these compilers: - PGI (pgf)

  1. LAPACK — Linear Algebra PACKage.
  2. netCDF4 - Network Common Data Form.

Note: GARD allocates memory to the stack. Users should set the "The maximum stack size." to "unlimited" prior to building/running GARD. ulimit -s unlimited

Building GARD

GARD is built using a standard makefile. From the command line, simply run the following command:

cd GARD/src/

Depending on which computer you are running GARD on, you may need to edit one or more of the following variables:

  • FC: Fortran compiler
  • NCDF_PATH: path to netCDF installation (see nc-config --prefix )
  • LAPACK_PATH: path to lapack installation
  • INSTALL_DIR: path to install GARD executable
  • RM: path to unix rm command
  • CP: path to unix cp command

Running GARD

After building GARD, it is run on the command line following this syntax:

./gard downscale_options.txt

Useful commands

Use the following to generate a list of e.g. GEFS precipitation files for input.

ls -1 gefs/2010/*/apcp_sfc_* | sed 's/*//g;s/$/"/g;s/^/"/g'>gefs_pr_file.txt

Common Errors

  1. Segmentation Fault
    • GARD allocates memory to the stack. Users should set the "The maximum stack size" to "unlimited" prior to building/running GARD. ulimit -s unlimited
  2. Random errors (e.g. debug not staying set at False)
    • Make sure all filenames in the namelist are in quotations.