Configuring GARD

After building GARD, it is run on the command line following this syntax:

./gard downscale_options.txt

where downscale_options.txt is a Fortran style namelist (see example in GARD/run).

The namelist options are described in the tables below and a sample file is available online. :


Name Type Required? Default Description
training_file string No Options File Name Used to specify a separate namelist file for the training section shown below
observation_file string No Options File Name Used to specify a separate namelist file for the observation section shown below
prediction_file string No Options File Name Used to specify a separate namelist file for the prediction section shown below
output_file string No Downscaled output filename.
pass_through_var integer No 1 Select the variable to be passed through as the output if pass_through=True
n_analogs integer No (1) -1 The number of analogs to include
n_log_analogs integer No (1) -1 The number of analogs to include when computing threshold exceedence from analogs
analog_threshold real No (1) -1 If specified, GARD will compute the probability of exceeding this threshold
start_date string Yes n/a Start date for prediction period
end_date string Yes n/a End date for prediction period
start_train string Yes n/a Start date for training period
end_train string Yes n/a End date for training period
start_transform string Yes n/a Start date for transform period
end_transform string Yes n/a End date for transform period
pure_regression logical No FALSE Use pure regression downscaling approach
pure_analog logical No FALSE Use pure analog downscaling approach
analog_regression logical No TRUE Use analog regression downscaling approach
pass_through logical No False Pass a given predictor variable through as the output without downscaling
sample_analog logical No FALSE
logistic_from_analog_exceedance logical No FALSE
logistic_threshold logical No -9999
weight_analogs logical No TRUE
debug logical No TRUE prints more output at runtime and outputs files including the coefficients used in each analog regression (or analog values) as well as the predictor data
interactive logical No TRUE Print downscaling status as a percentage on the command line


  1. Must specify one of n_analogs, n_log_analogs, or analog_threshold

Training Parameters

See description of training data suggestions.

Name Type Required? Default Description
name string Yes n/a Name of the training parameters dataset
preloaded string No n/a filepath of the preloaded training parameters dataset
interpolation_method integer No 1 nearest neighbor= 1, bilenear =2
normalization_method integer No 0 no normalization = 0, mean/stddev from: training data = 1
time_indices integer Yes -1 list of timesteps in file to aggregate over (GEFS only)
time_weights real No 1 list of averaging weights for individual time indices
agg_method integer No 0 per variable aggregation method when aggregating over time_indices: mean = 0, minimum = 1, maximum = 2, sum = 3 (GEFS only)
nvars integer Yes -1 number of variables to be used in training
data_type string Yes n/a dataset type: GEFS or GCM
lat_name string Yes n/a netCDF variable name for latitude
lon_name string Yes n/a netCDF variable name for longitude
time_name string Yes n/a netCDF variable name for time
nfiles integer Yes -1 number of files in each file list
input_transformations integer No 0 no transform = 0, quantile mapping = 1, log transform = 2, cube root = 3, fifth root = 4
var_names string Yes n/a variables names to use in training (one for each variable)
file_list string Yes n/a path to file containing a list of training files (one for each variable)
selected_time integer No -1 if set, only this time step will be read from each input file (GEFS only)
calendar string Yes standard
calendar_start_year integer No 1900
timezone_offset real No 0 hours to offset time variable (e.g. time_name) to account for timezone.

Prediction Parameters

See description of predictor data suggestions.

Name Type Required? Default Description
name string Yes n/a Name of the prediction parameters dataset
preloaded string No n/a filepath of the preloaded prediction parameters dataset
interpolation_method integer No 1 nearest neighbor= 1, bilenear =2
normalization_method integer No 0 no normalization = 0, mean/stddev from: prediction data = 1, training data = 2
time_indices integer Yes -1 list of timesteps in file to aggregate over (GEFS only)
time_weights real No 1 list of averaging weights for individual time indices
agg_method integer No 0 per variable aggregation method when aggregating over time_indices: mean = 0, minimum = 1, maximum = 2, sum = 3 (GEFS only)
nvars integer Yes -1 number of prediction parameters to use in downscaling
data_type string Yes n/a dataset type: GEFS or GCM
lat_name string Yes n/a netCDF variable name for latitude
lon_name string Yes n/a netCDF variable name for longitude
time_name string Yes n/a netCDF variable name for time
nfiles integer Yes -1 number of files in each file list
transformations integer No 0 no transform = 0, quantile mapping = 1, log transform = 2, cube root = 3, fifth root = 4
input_transformations integer No 0 no transform = 0, quantile mapping = 1, log transform = 2, cube root = 3, fifth root = 4
var_names string Yes n/a variables names to use in prediction (one for each variable)
file_list string Yes n/a path to file containing a list of prediction filepaths (one for each variable)
selected_time integer No -1 if set, only this time step will be read from each input file (GEFS only)
calendar string Yes standard
calendar_start_year integer No 1900
timezone_offset real No 0 hours to offset time variable (e.g. time_name) to account for timezone.

Observation Parameters

See description of observational data suggestions.

Name Type Required? Default Description
name string Yes n/a Name of the observation parameters dataset
preloaded string No n/a filepath of the preloaded observation parameters dataset
nvars integer Yes -1 number of observation variables to downscale (currently must be 1)
nfiles integer Yes -1 number of files in each file list
data_type string Yes n/a dataset type, typically "obs"
lat_name string Yes n/a netCDF variable name for latitude
lon_name string Yes n/a netCDF variable name for longitude
time_name string Yes n/a netCDF variable name for time
input_transformations integer No 0 no transform = 0, quantile mapping = 1, log transform = 2, cube root = 3, fifth root = 4
var_names string Yes n/a variables names to use in obs dataset
file_list string Yes n/a path to file containing a list of obs filepaths
calendar string Yes standard
calendar_start_year integer No 1900